Name: Brigit Lozinski
Hometown: Taunton, Minnesota
Degree Pursuing: M.S. in Animal Science
Advisor: Dr. Lee Johnston
Research Focus: The effects of water quality of nursery pig performance and health
Why did you choose your current field of study?
I grew up heavily involved in the swine industry, which opened many doors for me to learn and explore all while building relationships with industry leaders. Being exposed to these opportunities at a young age led me to know that the swine industry was where I wanted to pursue a career. With that understanding, I began diving deeper into the industry and reaching out to find more ways to be engaged and involved. Pursuing my undergraduate degree at South Dakota State University (SDSU) strengthened my passion for the swine industry through internships, involvement with the new swine units, and my activity in clubs and organizations. All this solidified my drive to be in the swine industry.
Why did you choose the University of Minnesota?
Based on my upbringing, experiences, growing passion, and my time at SDSU, I knew that I wanted to pursue a Master’s degree in swine nutrition. Since I was born and raised in Southwest Minnesota, and had an understanding of the impact Minnesota has on the pork industry, it seemed right that I look into the program offered at the U of MN. I chose U of MN because of the opportunity to work with elite professors and in an environment where I would be able to learn and apply myself and knowledge to solve problems and perform quality research with the potential to collaborate with leading pork producers. I also felt that U of MN was a great choice because the research I would be doing would directly benefit my home state.
In what ways has your involvement at the WCROC enhanced your educational experience?
The WCROC provided me the opportunity to contribute to an ongoing research study in an area that I was not familiar with. I was able to work hands-on with farrowing sows which is something that I have experience with, but also spent time learning about solar energy and monitoring environmental conditions. Another opportunity I had while at the WCROC was to expand my experience in dairy farming by helping with research and tasks related to the organic dairy. All of this has helped further my educational experience and versatility as a future animal scientist.
What are your future plans?
I am most interested in the applied side of the swine industry as well as the innovation and connection with producers. Pursuing a career that encompasses those three components is important to me.
My goals are to be in a position where I am able to address the needs and wants of consumers and producers directly, then innovate or work in specific areas to accomplish those requests in the best interest of the pig, and finally, to apply and market those ideas or products, not only in Minnesota and the Midwest, but globally.
Upon completion of my education, I will seek a career that allows the flexibility to be involved in all facets of the industry, but also provides opportunity for outreach and education of consumers, producers, and youth on a global scale.
Overall, I think that my greatest career goal is to consistently push the swine industry forward in a positive direction by assisting producers and consumers in critically thinking and understanding more clearly what is happening within the industry, anticipate what changes may be coming, how we can approach these situations, and how we to best work through those things together. Being on the forefront of those concepts and the challenges of the industry, while actively shining a positive light on the swine industry is something that I am passionate about because I believe producers and families need supportive allies in raising healthy, wholesome, and delicious products for the world to consume.