46352 State Hwy 329
Morris, MN 56267
United States
Dr. Tallaksen's research focuses on using the most up-to-date science with new technologies or in new applications to solve energy and environmental challenges facing rural communities. Employed at the West Central Research and Outreach Center, Tallaksen has taken active roles in research on renewable-energy production, biomass supply chains and life cycle assessment of energy and farming systems. The goal of his research is to strengthen rural communities by promoting employment opportunities, community development and environmental sustainability. He works with a wide variety of audiences (students, policy makers, the business community, scientists and citizens) to provide the best available data about new opportunities for sustainable-energy systems that fit in the rural landscape.
Current and past projects can be viewed on the Renewable Energy projects page.
Publications and Outreach:
- Newsletters
- Newspaper Articles
- Technical Writing
- Presentations, Posters, and Talks
- General Outreach
Select Recent Publications
- Tallaksen, J., Johnston, L., Sharpe, K., Reese, M., & Buchanan, E. 2020. Reducing life cycle fossil energy and greenhouse gas emissions for Midwest swine production systems. J. of Cleaner Production, 246, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118998
- Tallaksen, Joel E., Curtis Reese, Michael H Reese, 2019 Cropping System Fuel Use for a Diversified Farm in the Midwestern United States. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 35(4): 503-507. https://doi.org/10.13031/aea.13326
- Palys, Matthew J., Anatoliy Kuznetsov, Joel Tallaksen, Michael Reese, Prodromos Daoutidis. 2019. A novel system for ammonia-based sustainable energy and agriculture: Concept and design optimization. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification. V140, June 2019, pp. 11-21. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cep.2019.04.005
- Sharpe, K. T., Reese, M. H., Buchanan, E. S., Tallaksen, J. E., Janni, K. A., & Johnston, L. J. 2018. Electrical and Thermal Energy Consumption in Midwest Commercial Swine Facilities. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 34(5), 857-864.